Adjustment of Output & Input GST through Journal Voucher
Adjustment of Output & Input GST through Journal Voucher We have lots of queries to do adjustment of Input and Output in a very easy manner. Adjustment entries provided in earlier post are not so difficult but as a beginner some people unable to pass those adjustment entries. So today we teach you very simple adjustment entries. As a basic nomenclature, out output liability is on Cr. side and Input credit is on Dr. Side, but reverse charge mechanism is on both side Dr. and Cr because 1st Reverse Charge Liability will be booked and after payment the same can be booked as input credit. So today we know this in very easy mode. For Example, we purchase goods from Ravi Enterprises for Rs. 25000 and CGST and SGST thereon is Rs. 1500/- on each respectively @ 6% each. It means our Input Tax Credit is Rs. 3000 as CGST Rs. 1500/- and SGST Rs. 1500/-. Entry will be passed as follows: Cr. Ravi Enterprises 28000/- Dr. Pu...