In Tally, we have to create a company to perform any type of task and a company just like a contain (Folder/Directory) that contains all types of Inventory details, Ledgers, Vouchers entries, Reports and other contents. 
How To Create A Company
1. Open the Tally-ERP9

2. Select “Work in education mode”

3. Click on "Silver Edition" or “Gold Edition” mode.

4. Click on “Company Info”

5. Click on “Shut company”

6. Now click on “Create company”

7. Fill company form and save the transaction.

How To Open A Company
We can open any already existing company by using "Select company" Feature or either we can use its shortcut key (F1).

1. Open Tally ERP-9

2. Click on "Company Info."

3. Click on "Select Company" or press "F1" key.

4. Now select any company and press the "Enter" key.

How To Shut A CompanyWe can shut or close any opened company by "Shut Company" feature or either by its shortcut key (Alt + F1)

How To Delete A Company1. Open company which you want to delete

2. Press “Alt + F3” or Click on "Company Info."

3. Select “Alter” from the list.

4. Open company in alter mode.

5. Press “Alt + D” to delete company.

6. Press “Y” for delete operation.

7. Again press "Y" to confirm the delete operation
